Thor & Bonnie Colberg

Senior Staff

About Thor & Bonnie

Thor accepted the challenge of following Jesus while at Furman University through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He has been serving in the pastorate since 1972. From ’72 to ’75 he served as a Youth Pastor while going to seminary. Thor received his M.Div. degree in 1975 from the Candler School of Theology.

That same year, on the second date, he asked Bonnie to marry him. Bonnie was born in Charleston, South Carolina, and Thor was born in New Haven, Connecticut. Thus ended the war between the states.

In 1987, after 13 years as a United Methodist Minister, God called Thor, Bonnie and their three kids to plant a Vineyard Church in Augusta, GA. They started in their home with a handful of people. Over the next 16 years, the church grew to over 750 people and planted five churches.

In 2003, Thor and Bonnie felt like the Lord said, “Do it again!” They launched out to plant a Vineyard Church in Huntersville, North Carolina. Worship Celebrations began in January 2004. The church became actively involved in missions work in the Ukraine, and facilitated five church plants there. It is through the work in Ukraine that Thor and Bonnie met Vladimir in an orphanage and through adoption made him a part of their family.

Thor has also served as Regional Coordinator of Church Planting for the Southeast and Mid Atlantic Regions of the Vineyard Church and has been instrumental in helping to plant over 80 church plants throughout the southeast and mid Atlantic US.

Through GTN Thor and Bonnie have helped facilitate and train over 3000+ Church Planters and Pastors. The best is yet to come!

Thor’s life verse is “For me to live is Christ!” (Philippians 1:21).

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